It is the customer's responsibility to check all laws pertaining to an item prior to ordering. You must be 18 years of age or older to order replica/imitation/look-a-like firearms, blank firing guns or blank ammunition.
You may recieve an order confirmation email. However, ORDERS CONTAINING RESTRICTED ITEMS WILL NOT SHIP! You will not be charged for these items.
Shipping Restrictions: Some states impose legal restrictions regarding commerce in or ownership of replica firearms. The following shipping restrictions represent company policy and should not be considered legal advice to customers. Specific information regarding shipping restrictions is available on most official state websites or directly through offices of state secretaries or state legislatures.
Special Allowances: Depending on the state or municipality, we may be able to ship products to theatrical, military, police or other government accounts with valid proof of account identity. A copy of a valid purchase order will suffice. Contact us at 866.321.0340 for more info.
All Replica & Blank Firing Gun Models and Ammunition are Restricted: New York City (all 5 Boroughs) State of New Jersey State of Rhode Island
Replica & Blank Firing Gun Models post 1878 are Restricted: This includes most automatic and semi-automatic replicas and ammunition New York City (all 5 Boroughs) State of Maryland State of Rhode Island State of Wisconsin
Replica & Blank Firing Gun Models post 1898 are Restricted: This includes most automatic and semi-automatic replicas and ammunition New York City (all 5 Boroughs) Chicago, Illinois Aurora, Illinois Topeka, Kansas State of Connecticut State of Maryland State of Minnesota State of New York State of Pennsylvania State of Rhode Island State of Wisconsin Puerto Rico