The Olympic 6 is an affordable starter pistol and dog training pistol. It fires single or double action. The cylinder swings open to accept eight (8) inexpensive .22 caliber blanks. This replica gun cannot be converted to fire live ammo. The barrel is plugged and has a red dot at the end in compliance with ATF regulations. No federal license required.
Starter Pistol FeaturesMeasurements
Note: All post 1898 replicas have an orange plug at the end of the barrel as required by law
4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Love it
First the shipping was fast. For this price the quality is really good. I had no problems with this. I give it a ?
Just OK
So far works for me. Very rough construction and lots of burrs, but can't complain at the price. Recommend!
Only fired 4 shots so far. Never fired any pistol past a spring BB. The double action seemed a little stiff but everything worked and the ammo was loud enough to scare the 1000's of migrating starlings that land around my house every year. The ammo is small and a little tedious to handle but everything works well right now for what I need so I am happy with the purchase. The website should indicate that the PTG177 is the only .22 cal ammo that will fit.
faulty shot
The action is very tight. Right out of the box it is either misfiring or firing two blanks at one time.